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This Blog is to address the current (ridiculous) out-of-stock situation you’re experiencing in our shop.  It’s causing so much frustration…

SAHPRA – South African Health Products Regulatory – is tasked with regulating (monitoring, evaluating, investigating, inspecting and registering) all health products and clinical trials in South Africa. They are placing demands on supplement companies that are expensive and restrictive and much more applicable to medicine than to supplements; as a result, supplement companies who do not comply are finding their imports captured by SAHPRA and held in customs at the harbour at a jaw-dropping R1500 per day.  SAHPRA lost their case in court, so all the confiscations are now all illegal – SAHPRA don’t care and the battle continues. Seems as though despite its name, SAHPRA is a part of, and supporter of The Sickness Industry. We hope that this impasse can be breached in the near future so we can get our stock, and continue to provide you with the products you love and that keep you well.