by Michelle Kaminer | Sep 21, 2022 | Advice, Health, Supplements, The Good Health Shop
This Blog is to address the current (ridiculous) out-of-stock situation you’re experiencing in our shop. It’s causing so much frustration… SAHPRA – South African Health Products Regulatory – is tasked with regulating (monitoring, evaluating,...
by Michelle Kaminer | Sep 18, 2019 | Advice, Health, Health Coaching, Supplements
Yesterday (Sunday) I attended an all-day Functional Practitioner’s workshop held by Dr Leslie Stone and Dr Michael Stone, who run a clinic in Oregon and an online site 8 hours, preconception through to toddler. There was a lot about...
by Michelle Kaminer | Jul 24, 2019 | Advice, Foods, Health, Supplements
This blog is for you if you are prepared to consider that the culprit is probably your eating habits. There’s a compelling wealth of research that closely links the food we eat with our energy levels. Simply, a few relatively easy tweaks will change the picture –...
by Michelle Kaminer | Jun 25, 2019 | Advice, Health, Supplements
The most important thing to ever happen to your microbiome, the bacterial environment of the gut, happens when you’re being born. Is your baby restless and colicky? Is your toddler irritable and not sleeping well? Is your small child already exhibiting symptoms...
by Michelle Kaminer | May 8, 2019 | Advice, Health, Supplements
This is not the format to slam into the education system but the truth is that children are not designed to sit still and be ‘taught’ for 6 hours in a row. A U.K Teacher’s page shows this info: Typical attention span: When trying to estimate realistically how much...
by Michelle Kaminer | Apr 1, 2019 | Advice, Health, Health Coaching, Supplements
In our quest for radiant, vibrant, energetic good health, it’s the most natural thing to be thinking of physical health. We coach for changes in the Modifiable Lifestyle factors – eating, drinking, moving, sleeping, and coping. We might acknowledge mental health and...