The Health Coaching vision is radiant, vibrant, energetic good health for
every person who understands the potential of investing in their health.
The Health Coaching vision is radiant, vibrant, energetic good health for every person who understands the potential of investing in their health.

The Health Coaching vision is radiant, vibrant, energetic good health for
every person who understands the potential of investing in their health.
The Health Coaching vision is radiant, vibrant, energetic good health for every person who understands the potential of investing in their health.

What People are saying
The Health Coach will occupy a unique space in Future Medicine, coaching you towards your own health and life goals…
We’re More Fulfilled When We’re Social
In this series of blogs we are exploring the 5 areas in which all humans should thrive, at age-appropriate levels. The first three blogs in this series dealt with Physiological, Cognitive & Emotional thriving. Two are left - Physical, and Social. ...
Emotional Well-Being
In this series of blogs we are exploring the 5 areas in which all humans should thrive, at age-appropriate levels. The 1st 2 blogs in this series dealt with Physiological & Cognitive thriving. 3 are left - Emotional, Physical, and Social. Altered...
Cognitive Health
In Blog 1/5 we took a look at the 1st of the 5 areas in which all humans should thrive, at age-appropriate levels: Physiological. This blog will focus on Cognitive thriving. What do we even mean by thriving on a cognitive level? Well, I suppose remembering is the...
8 hours, preconception through to toddler.
Yesterday (Sunday) I attended an all-day Functional Practitioner’s workshop held by Dr Leslie Stone and Dr Michael Stone, who run a clinic in Oregon and an online site http://growbabyhealth.com/ 8 hours, preconception through to toddler. There was a lot about...
Lifestyle medicine is The Medicine of The Future
‘Health Care’ is becoming a very specific phrase. Health is no longer simply an absence of symptoms. You want to sleep well and wake up feeling as well as possible every day. Some days, when you feel less than good, you might think of yourself as...
Are You Ready to Change & Grow?
Facing challenges is inevitable. It might be a rare event, it might be daily struggle. The analogy of a baby’s birth, a difficult process for both mother and infant, is a necessary tussle; perhaps you are not able to reconcile the challenges in your life with...
We are disconnected from the facts that how we live can be harmful to our health.
[Spoiler Alert: tough stuff to hear included] Health Coaching is emerging in response to the rise in chronic illness and the inability of western medicine to address issues in any way significant way, if this term is new for you and you would like to learn more about...
The Bach Flower Remedies
In our quest for radiant, vibrant, energetic good health, it’s the most natural thing to be thinking of physical health. We coach for changes in the Modifiable Lifestyle factors – eating, drinking, moving, sleeping, and coping. We might acknowledge mental health and...
Fat Soluble vitamins and how to make the best of them.
Fat-soluble vitamins are dissolved in fats, so one should take supplements of A,D,E & K, the fat soluble vitamins, with a meal containing healthy fats, like grass-fed butter, avo, nuts, banana, olive oil etc. The next step...
When Dieting Doesn’t Work For You
At any given time 1 in 3 people are on a specific eating regime, with weight loss as a leading reason. Most people are going to be disappointed, because even when successful, lost weight is frequently regained within a few months. If you want more information on new...
Change-of-Season-Preparedness Checklist
The mornings are starting to feel nippy, the days start later and night falls fast and early. Winter is approaching. We are caught in a lockdown time-warp but mother nature is oblivious to our plight. Are you sure that you are prepared for winter under pandemic...
One Small Step
Surviving to Thriving – Part 3 You made a list yesterday, even if it’s only in your head. You’re thinking and that puts you ahead of the pack. Now, Pick 1 thing. Choose 1 habit, or 1 symptom, from this list that you would choose to not have if you 'waved a magic...