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Since the day I opened I have kept a book of customer requests – things we don’t keep that people want.  This ‘wishing book’ has helped me to grow in the right direction.  Knowing what people want and giving it to them seems to have been the secret of our success.

The other day I had to look for something in the wishing book – I had to go way back, really search.  After a time I was no longer looking for the memory-jogger, I was perusing names and requests because I was amazed at how many of the names, from up to as long as day 1 (1 feb 2008) are still valid.  Active customers, still part of the terrain, all these years later.

So this is me, counting my blessings. How amazing to know that people have grown with the shop, remained loyal and we’ve become so much a part of each others lives over the intervening years.